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Yoga is the journey of the self
Through the self
To the self.
-The Bhagavad Gita

Hello and welcome to my Website!

The pandemic changed many things about our day to day lives. And one of those things is how we interact with each other. Walking into a physical Yoga Studio was not possible, so we developed online classes as our new normal. Having to give up my studio and moving to online classes was terrifying for me. But I quickly came to see the benefits. It opened up a whole new way of teaching yoga.  Online I can teach to a group of people from literally anywhere in the world with WiFi. I've had friends from other states take my classes.

Instead of my world getting smaller, like I feared, it grew so much larger!

The convenience of taking class from home or office is wonderful. No commute! Even when travelling for business or pleasure, my students can log in and take class! And they can connect with friends and family who may live far away and practice yoga together.

So, I've been inspired to rebrand my Yoga Business with my name since I'm no longer limited to a studio space. 


A Brief History:


In 2006, I opened Lehigh Valley Yoga Studio in Allentown, PA.  Over the years, the studio grew and gained popularity in the Valley, offering a range of classes from prenatal to Kundalini to Hot Yoga. However, the studio primarily centered around Ashtanga Yoga. I ran the first daily early morning Mysore program as well as the first Hot Yoga classes. In 2018, I moved from the Lehigh Valley to open a small studio space in Pennsburg, PA. Then in March, 2020 I closed the doors on live classes and moved to teaching virtual classes via Skype and Zoom. Today I continue teaching online but have some limited time for in person private lessons at my home.


My love of Ashtanga Yoga is as strong as ever, and I offer private and group classes by appointment. I also currently lead a one hour Ashtanga based class on Skype.


I also teach a popular group class twice weekly called Yoga for Flexibility on Skype. This class is dedicated to opening hips, hamstrings, and lower back with added postures for upper back and shoulders. It's a class anyone can enjoy and benefit from, but was created specifically for runners and cyclists. 


Having over 20 years of experience teaching, I have become knowledgeable in how to carefully help you come back from injuries, return to strength post-partum, and recover safely from knee, hip and shoulder surgeries. In addition, I also have experience working with people dealing with chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and scoliosis.


Choose private and/or group lessons to help develop a deeper awareness of your body and learn techniques for reducing stress. My goal is to give you an inspiring, personalized experience every time you practice with me. I want to know what drives you...

what you're passionate about.  

People are attracted to yoga for various reasons, and I try to remain mindful of yours when teaching. Aside from tailoring postures for physical limitations, I also consider your mindset and personality when structuring my approach. This is the reason I don't have more than 8 people in my classes. You will receive thoughtful and compassionate instruction.


So, let's get started! It's time to make yourself a priority. I welcome your emails and am happy to chat about creating your practice plan. Book your private lessons, semi-privates with friends and family or attend your first group class with me!

Starting yoga can be intimidating, but remember:

 "It's not about being good at something. It's about being good to yourself."

Let's chat today!

Contact Us

Jacqueline Porterfield 
204 State St
East Greenville, PA 18041

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